Print your Instagram pictures

For as long as I can remember I have always loved pictures. My friends have come to know me as that annoying girl always taking pictures, and catching everyone’s bad side. Now that isn’t my intention at all, but I simply just love capturing those candid moments. On the off chance that I’m not the only one obsessed with pictures, I wanted to share one of my favorite ways of printing my pictures, and how to display them in a cute and inexpensive way.

Origrami is an Australia based website that turns your pictures into a variety of different prints, and even products such as refrigerator magnets. They also have several packages to choose from when it comes to printing your pictures. These pictures can be transferred from your instagram, dropbox, or uploaded from your computer. Once you decide on the prints you can decide which theme you want on the back of your picture. For example, you can choose a post card theme or the black and white that includes the date that the pictures were taken. One of my favorite things about this site is that it has free shipping worldwide!


I discovered the site a few months back while browsing the internet for room decorating ideas. When I stumbled on to this I realized that this would help me display all of my favorite pictures without my room looking like an amateur art gallery. I chose one of their cheaper packages (sqaureprint) It included 36 4×4 prints just to test the waters and see if the products were really worth the hype. After a couple of weeks my product and I was beyond thrilled with it. I chose to display my pictures in my room by hanging them with clothespins and putting them on some twine.
